Expected delivery within 7~14 days after payment.
Material: EPO, carbon fiber, aviation aluminum alloy, engineering plastic, etc.
Vertical arm:755mm(including motor base)
Wing area: 53dm²
Body height: 255mm(including tripod)
Cruising speed: 17-22m/s
Body length:1140mm
Aircraft angle of attack: 0-2
Wing Mounting Angle: 2.9
Stall airspeed: 12m/s
Conversion airspeed:14m/s
Maximum climb angle: 3.5°
Maximum dive angle: 5°
Maximum roll angle: 30°
Payload: 1kg
Take-off weight: 7kg
Take-off altitude:3000m
Ceiling altitude: 6500m
Wind resistance:level 5 (normal operation)
V tail angle: 28° up, 20° down
Disassembly method: quick disassembly with-
Working temperature:-10℃-50℃
out tools
Packing box size: 1100*350*430mm
Aileron Rotation: Up 22° Down 28
Take-off and landing method: vertical take-off and landing
Mapping endurance: 136min/144km(speed 19m/s, load 600g,Battery 6S@22000mah, take-off weight 6.65kg)
Monitoring endurance:125min/126km(speed 18m/s, load 450g,Battery 6S@22000mah, take-off weight 6.5kg)
1、”Power System" means only power parts, not the aircraft fuselage
2、If you are failed to place order directly from our web shop, pls contact our sales team to get support.
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The Hero VTOL adopts a high-efficiency V-shaped tail, and at the same time optimizesthe aerodynamic shape and relative position of the wing, tail and fuselage. The aerodynamic load distribution is reasonable, the lift and drag are significantly increased, andthe flight efficiency is high.

The Hero VTOL adopts a streamlined shape as a whole to reduce flight resistance asmuch as possible while ensuring stable flight.

A large number of high-strengthand light-weight carbon fibers,wooden boards and PC boardsare used in the materials.

In terms of shape, a largenumber of embedded boxstructures are used to com-prehensively improve thestructural strength and rigidi-ty of the body.

On the basis of the "over-load experiment",accordingto the structural form andload characteristics of thewing, tail and fuselage, thestructure is optimized ac-cording to the gram preci-sion to minimize unneces-sary weight.

Hero VTOL supports a variety of loads, covering two application scenarios of mappingand monitoring.

The wing and tail adopt a tool-free quick disassembly structure, which reduces theinstallation steps and shortens the disassembly time.

The inner liner of the packing box is made of high-rate EPS foam, with light specificgravity, good impact resistance and shock resistance, and is suitable for long-dis-tance transportation.

The bottom of the fuselageadopts the rear three-pointlanding gear, with high groundclearance, large mountingspace, and the tail rotor doesnot touch the ground.

Aircraft center of gravitybulges under fuselagehooks and wing root plasticstart (same location).

The inner side of the fuselageis designed with wire groovesand removable baffles to fa-cilitate the installation ofwires, and the wiring in thecabin is simple and efficient.

The nose cabin adopts afour-point connection struc-ture, which is stable and reli-able and supports quick re-lease.

Two 9-pin connectors are re-served in the nose cabin tosupport the connection ofsignals such as image trans-mission, remote control, andairspeed to the fuselage flightcontrol.

The design file of the nosecabin is open source, and userscan customize the mountingplate according to the installa-tion hole position of the pod.

The size of the battery compart-mentis 326*110*78mm,and themaximum support is6S@30000mah solid-state lithi-um battery.
The battery holder is CNC ma-chined from PC board, which islight in weight and has goodimpact resistance.

The battery tie is made of fi-ber-reinforced plastic, which isstrong and durable. The layoutof the tie is reasonable andeasy to fix.

The flight control cabin adoptsa layered design structure toimprove space utilization. Thebottom layer can install thedistribution board and thelanding radar.

The size of the payload bay is 144*160*80mm, which can accommodate Sony A7R seriescameras or five-lens half-frame tilt cameras.

The middle layer can instalflight control, which is compat-ible with open source/com-mercial flight control installa-tion.

The top layer can install PPK orimage transmission equipment.

The flight control hatch sup-ports screw fixing to preventforeign objects from fallingwhich is both beautiful anddust-proof.

The GPS and compass modulesare placed above and behindthe flight control cabin, andthe electromagnetic environ-ment is clean.

The position of the PPK anten.na is reserved behind the GPScabin, which is convenient toinstall the PPK antenna andimprove the accuracy of POSdata.

The tail push ESC is placedunder the rear of the flightcontrol cabin, with an exter-nal aluminum shell, which hasa good heat dissipation effect.

The 195mm rat tail glue stickantenna can be pre-buried inthe vertical tail, which notonly improves the supportstrength of the vertical tail,but also has a clean electro-magnetic environment and

The V-tail adopts a tool-freequick-release structure, whichis automatically locked withone push and pulled out im-mediately with one push.

The tail servo does not needto be pre-embedded for easymaintenance.
The servo rocker arm is designed with built-in, even ifthe rocker arm drive columnis loose, the rudder surfacecan be accurately executed.

The wing can be split into awing root segment and a wingtip segment to further reducethe storage volume.

The wing is composed of maincarbon tubes, auxiliary carbontubes, vertical arms, and plas-tic parts to form a framestructure to improve the over-all strength.

The wing root section and thefuselage are separated electri.cally and structurally through5+2 high-current connectors.

The surface of the wing rootsection is reinforced with 3Mstickers, which enhances therigidity of the aircraft and im-proves the torsion resistanceof the wing.

The wing rudder adopts servorocker arm direct drivedesign, simple and durable

The VTOL Rotor Arm is fixedby an aluminum alloy wrap-ping structure, which can beinstalled and removed as awhole for easy maintenance.

The middle section of theVTOL Rotor Arm is open to fa-cilitate the installation of ESCand servo cables.

(Optional) Wiring boardQuick-release wing powersystem

The motor seat supports thelargest outer rotor ф65mmmotor, and the size of the ESCcabin is 67*31*12mm

(Optional) Customized Esc,waterproof and dustproofgood heat dissipation effect,no fear of harsh field environ-ment.
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